Protected pages
- Main Page (16,296 bytes) (fully protected, cascading) (Protection log)
- Charter for Europa - Madrid (6,841 bytes) (fully protected, cascading) (Protection log)
- Methodology of writing (827 bytes) (fully protected) (Protection log)
- Preamble of the Charter for Europa (2,060 bytes) (fully protected) (Protection log)
- Charter for Europa - 1.0 (17,923 bytes) (fully protected) (Protection log)
- Preamble 1.0 (2,098 bytes) (fully protected) (Protection log)
- Income/debt 1.0 (2,529 bytes) (fully protected) (Protection log)
- Democracy 1.0 (9,405 bytes) (fully protected) (Protection log)
- Commons/state 1.0 (2,003 bytes) (fully protected) (Protection log)
- Governing/governance 1.0 (1,604 bytes) (fully protected) (Protection log)
- Citizenship/border 1.0 (2,946 bytes) (fully protected) (Protection log)
- Unconditional Basic Income (449 bytes) (fully protected) (Protection log)
- Charter 1.1 (15,324 bytes) (fully protected) (Protection log)
- The New Abduction of Europe - Struggling for the commons in Europe (36,399 bytes) (fully protected) (Protection log)